
My Leadership Style: “Everyday New Fantastic Possibilities”

I would like to share a very interesting and helpful link with you called “41 QUESTIONS, 1 PERSONALITY” http://www.41q.com/. Based on the result from this test, My MBTI is ENFP.

“Everyday New Fantastic Possibilities” exactly describes me. I am passionate and optimistic. I love to explore every beautiful moment and use my heart to feel and praise life. I am curious about the world and generate excitement quickly. When communicate with people, I can easily find out interesting topics to move conversation forward, especially first meet with strangers. I can easily create relax, pleasant atmosphere in conversations. I also get energy from surrounding people.
During social network, I am highly people-oriented and care about others a lot. I prefer to maintain broad relationship with a large scale of people, rather than dig in deep relationship with a few. I see others’ shining personalities all the time. I don’t judge and respectfully regard differences between people as individual personalities. I can well put myself into others’ shoes, good at build trust and open-communicate environment within a team. My social circle is wide that I have many friends come from all backgrounds.
I am an open-minded person who loves creative and good at finding new ways to do things. At the brainstorming stages, I have outstanding performance inspiring my team. Not only I can outline many plans within a short time, but also quickly link together various possibilities. I love changes, flexible dealing with problems. Moreover, I am confident with my decisions and love to take action follow my own thinking.
I influence my people by helping them see the future and build better interpersonal personalities in the organization. I assign tasks to people by their strength, find out the best combination of my group to facility organization and work out programs, reward members for their contribution.
“It is harder to be kind than clever”, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos says at the Princeton University graduation. I would like to quote this sentence as my personal image. In my point of view, leadership is not always about changing the world or something beyond our average power. Leadership can be every amazing moment when you helped others, lift a frustrated person up. Leadership can be a word you say actually successful influenced someone else and can make others live better in the future. Leadership can be the gift you reward to this world. We are learning leadership every day. We are writing our own leadership story every moment, even if we do not realize sometimes.
However, I am struggled dealing with details. Compare with focus on particular processes, I emphasis more on developing a whole process or overall idea, and look for far-reaching significance. Meanwhile, I am not a cautious leader since lack consideration for details fore ahead. Too flexible doing things makes me a lack of coherent during work sometimes. Even if I made a plan in advance, I still make small changes all the time. Moreover, I sometimes have trouble maintaining passion to focus on one certain thing in long-term. Besides, caring too much about others confuses me a lot that my own emotions are easily affected and influenced. I always find it hard to say NO or reject others’ request.

1 comment:

  1. Yan, glad to see you have known yourself so deeply about your leadership style! I am an ISTJ by the way, and it seems like we are different in every way, haha. But I don't think the opposite style will build barrier in communication as long as we have known the strategy of that. :)
